The restoration and renewal of the Forest House, where the classical zoo lay-out is inverted.
The restoration and renewal of the Bird House together with the Forest House is the first project part of ‘ARTIS renews’. The new design in an inversion of a classical zoo-lay-out: the cages gone, visitors now walk in the day lit heart of the construction, the animals have ample space to move around freely. A pathway out of terrazzo leads through a tropical jungle with various fig trees where small monkeys, lizards and armadillos live.
In between the Bird- and Forest House a tree-bench grants view over the improved outdoor quarters. The historical conservatory is enlarged to give extra living space to the animals in summertime.
The arches and roof-lights of the monumental building are visible again. Architectural restoration of the Bird- and Forest House is done by Rappagne and Partners Architects. 100 years ago B.J. Ouëndag designed these monuments in a so-called ‘gallery style’.