A laboratory to research, create and build landscape (architectural) interventions.

Since Bram Breedveld and Ed Joosting Bunk combined forces in 2003, the firm has been working consistently as advocates of green cities. LANDLAB approaches projects in simple steps (see manifesto), though never in a straight line. It is a matter of exploring sites, digging through (soil-)archives, respecting the past, looking to the future, organizing and simplifying. Within a careful interpretation of this broad context LANDLAB seeks for elements of change and continuity. By adding what is desired and needed, LANDLAB creates functioning and experientially rich places across a wide range of landscape scales: from strategy to product design, from landscape to garden.
The designs aim to balance all interests involved – economical, ecological and social. Locals, stakeholders, and professionals all contribute to the team’s research- and design process. Together with well-considered choice of materials, functionality and flexibility, plans are made resilient, climate- and futureproof.
Projects such as Funenpark, the plaza in front of the EYE Film Institute and the Oeverpark are critically acclaimed. LANDLAB was awarded design laureate in Belgium for two shopping streets, they have won the Belgian ‘Public Space Prize’ in 2011 for their design of the Turnhout’s Market Square, and received the Dutch Design Award 2007 for their work on Funenpark.
Alongside Bram and Ed, Luc Joosten, Rik Berends, Julia Nobel and Mitchell Hamelijnck complete the team. LANDLAB further relies on a flexible network of experts to assist them.