Hoofdstraat is the old shopping street of Veghel and winds through the town, widening and narrowing at various moments

Hoofdstraat is the old shopping street of Veghel and winds through the town, widening and narrowing at various moments. The old functions of trade and meeting can still be seen in the pattern today. However, after years of change to the surroundings, the layout of the street and square were fragmented and worn down.
LandLab worked with the city of Veghel and Martien van Osch to bring together the historic area once again. Interventions were limited to clear and strong concepts including to remove cars from the shopping street and replace them with large Gleditsia trees, shrubs, and benches made of natural stone with wooden seats. The paving was protected and maintained while unnecessary furniture was cleared away. The terminal harbor of the street, Heilig Hartplein, was a worn and neglected space hidden by vegetation. Historically, the space had great importance to the development of Veghel. The new renovation removed the roundabout, replacing it with a simpler intersection and restoring contact between the harbor and a residential square. New, large plane trees and long benches form part of the connection and allow for future development in the area to continue improving the square.